The proven step-by-step system for female coaches where you'll discover your Category-of-One niche, craft a results-driven offer, and master content that converts — getting your coaching services into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of high-paying clients... even if you have a tiny audience! 







The proven step-by-step system for female coaches where you'll discover your Category-of-One niche, craft a results-driven offer, and master content that converts — getting your coaching services into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of high-paying clients... even if you have a tiny audience! 


The Category Queen School is where female clinicians, practitioners, and experts come to accelerate their impact by building a well-known coaching practice. 

"After a few short weeks of joining the program, I closed $22,000 in sales without even trying."

This program has been absolutely life-changing. Last year, my business had exploded out and I saw tremendous growth, but I found myself hitting another wall. 

The growth I had experienced wasn't sustainable because I didn't have a reliable system in place to attract consistent clients and predictable income...until I met Kinsey! 

After a few short weeks of joining the program, I closed $22,000 in sales without even trying. I simply followed her lead and trusted her process. I have clarified my marketing message and process so that I can have more freedom without trying random strategies as if I was throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks

My confidence, as a business owner, has exploded because I now have a proven process to grow my business month after month.

- Angela

Your Future Clients Need Your Expertise
It's Time to Bridge the Gap Between You And Them

You're not just any expert. You've worked hard in your field, and you've got the skills and knowledge to show for it.

But you're now at a crossroads, seeking more than just career success—you're chasing a dream of making a significant, personal impact through coaching while creating more financial and time freedom for yourself.

Now more than ever, people are crying out for authentic, transformative coaching. And you're standing on the precipice of greatness.

You've got dreams of running your own show, making your own rules, and deeply connecting with people who desperately need your unique knowledge.

The thing is, transitioning from being the expert to being the expert coach feels like leaping into the unknown without a safety net.

Growing an expert-based coaching business means mastering a whole new set of skills—effectively packaging and selling your knowledge, marketing yourself in a way that feels genuine, and confidently selling your offers to the right people.

All while battling the nagging voice of imposter syndrome whispering, "Am I really qualified to be THE go-to expert?"


This isn't just another program. It's your royal decree to becoming the confident, sought-after coach in your field. We're talking about alchemizing your expertise into a profitable coaching empire that's uniquely you—authentic, impactful, and yes, abundantly profitable.

​​Ready to stop being the best-kept secret and start being the Queen of your Category?

From Corporate Grind To Globally Ranked Coaching Brand

When I finally gained the courage to leave my cushy corporate leadership position and become an entrepreneur, I hit 100K in my first year of coaching by learning how to articulate the value of my offer with a strong, clear message. 

I had less than 500 followers, a used Macbook, and Google Drive. (Oh, and Zoom for coaching calls). 

That was it. 

People were surprised at how fast I was growing especially as I started to get recognized by large media hubs because my audience was “small”. 

When I mastered this framework for myself, I started teaching it to others who were wondering how I did it.

From doing this intimate hands-on work, I’ve built an entire body of intellectual property that’s now helping hundreds of female coaches create a binge-worthy presence online that’s become a client (and cash) machine.

Because of this unique process, female coaches all over the globe are learning how to step into their full power, claim their confidence, and reach the people they were meant to reach online… simply.

This program is your roadmap to standing out online and enrolling clients consistently with your organic content.


Not another 'get clients online program'...

I would be concerned if you weren't thinking that, but let's address the elephant in the room: 

Most of what you’ve been taught about marketing is fundamentally flawed.

It’s ineffective. 
It’s unprofitable. 
It’s overly complicated. 

Worse, it's stripping away your unique brilliance and diverting your attention from the core essentials of making money and transforming lives.

How do I know this?

I've been there. I wasted countless hours obsessing over hashtag counts and building elaborate funnels that fell flat. I learned the hard way that I couldn't afford to spend time on tactics that didn't deliver results.

Yes, it's never been easier to make money online with a few clicks on social media. But this ease has spawned an army of 'gurus' peddling surface-level solutions that just demand MORE from you - more followers, more posts, more offers.

Here's the truth: Your ideal clients care about one thing - themselves and their desires.

When you build a coaching business around your unique expertise and make it effortless for your perfect-fit clients to work with you, you naturally become THE recognized expert. 

Money flows in as a natural byproduct of helping more people.

The world changes for the better every time a woman recognizes the power of her unique brilliance. My mission is to give women with the coaching, curriculum, and tools to step into their purpose, amplify their voice, and make a life-giving income. 

Imagine discovering a unique niche where you don’t just dominate, you play in your own league. 

Like many brilliant coaches I've trained, you might worry your industry is too saturated or you're not "unique enough" to stand out.

The truth? You're so close to your own expertise that it's nearly impossible to see how truly extraordinary your brilliance is.

There is no one like you on this planet — the unique combination of your experiences, expertise, and education automatically puts you into a CATEGORY OF ONE.

I'll show you how to:
- Bridge the gap between your unique expertise and your ideal clients
- Communicate in a way that deeply resonates with your audience
- Generate consistent results, regardless of your audience size

With this newfound clarity, your confidence will soar, and your natural magnetism will shine online.

"I am SO CLOSE to consistent 10K months! I now know my revenue goals are possible, and I know I’m going to get there."

Since joining, my confidence has improved and I show up SO MUCH MORE FULLY in my business. I’m more consistent, and I’m getting concrete results, like getting more clients. The confidence has seeped into other areas as well, and because my business is growing, my life is getting easier.

Now, my financial potential is HUGE. The path is so much more clear.

The plug and play templates have been a game changer for me, as it’s allowed me to model things that I know will work as I find my own voice and unique way of doing things.

- Ashlee

"I’m a happier, more confident person overall and when my husband actually saw money coming in, he made adjustments so I can work more. "

Prior to working with Kinsey, I had been struggling with the task of trying to build out weeks of videos and course materials by myself and try to sell them via webinars to a non-existent audience.

Since becoming a student and a coach for wives who want to stop resenting their husbands and be happy at home, I have accomplished more than I imagined for myself (and I haven’t completed all the curriculum, because I started getting clients so quickly!)

- Summer

"With this program, I am going to make my $100K sales target."

I was lacking confidence and clarity in my messaging and offer. I invested in this program at the end of February and 22 days later I got my first $3K client for my brand new signature program! There is NO WAY this would have happened without this program.

. It’s like Kinsey’s content has given me permission to focus very specifically on my ICA, my offer and my platform so I’m not constantly chasing the next shiny object.

With this program, I am going to make my $100K sales target."

- Jen

"I brought on 9 clients and earned $70K while in The Category Queen School and went on to achieve my first 6-figure year."

Working with Kinsey inside this program allowed me to have a blast with REAL interactions that come to life from social media posts. I mastered my CTA’s in my content and how to structure more of the long form content effectively.

If you are thinking about working more closely with Kinsey, this is a space for BIG visions and hearts to serve people with integrity. These tools work when YOU are willing to do the work, make it your own, and have fun with it.

It's EXCELLENT value and the systems totally work. If you’ve got a high vibe and a genuine work ethic, then this is the place for you!

- Megan


A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to discover your Category-of-One niche, create content that converts, and enroll top-tier clients consistently; regardless of your audience size or your years of experience.

In 90 days or less, You'll Discover How To:

  • Skyrocket your visibility by discovering your unique niche and confidently claiming the ONE thing you want to be known for.
  • Package, position, and price a simple and effective high-converting coaching offer without investing unnecessary time and resources in a program that lacks market demand. 
  • Effectively communicate the value of your offer with messaging that resonates with a top-tier audience so you can attract your best-match clients faster. 
  • ​Enroll clients with the most genuine, authentic enrollment process so it doesn’t even feel like “selling”. 
  • ​Create content that has your best-match clients flocking to you using content creation strategies, prompts and formulas that give you TONS of inspiration. 
  • ​Leverage an entire library full of templates, tips, how-to exercises that will grow you beyond 6-figures as a coach. 





No more throwing spaghetti at the wall. 
Here's the exact blueprint that will grow your coaching business to 6-figures & beyond:

Standing Out Online With Your Category-of-One Niche

This is the foundation for growing a heart-centered coaching business around your unique brilliance so you can be authentically you and also make a huge impact (and a larger income). You will learn how to position yourself as a Category of One in the industry by going deeper with your unique expertise. 

What You'll Discover:

  • How to evaluate your expertise in a brand new way
  • ​The “Unique Niche” formula so you can play in your own league
  • ​How to identify your premium client 
  • ​Market research that actually works
  • ​The step-by-step process for identifying the problem you solve 
  • ​How to validate your most profitable niche

Tools & Templates Include:

Along with the training, we provide you with a formula and script for Market Research, The Heartbeat of your Dream Client template for deeper client profiling, and the hands-on walkthrough for validating your niche

Crafting A Simple Coaching Offer That People Will Buy

Without a converting offer your marketing efforts will be for nothing. You’ll learn how to identify the problem you solve, the unique solution you provide, and how to package it up into a simple, compelling offer. HINT: Your offer is not your program, service, or product.

What You'll Discover:

  • Your highest level of value so you can demand higher prices
  • ​The outline of your signature (simple) coaching offer 
  • Your unique coaching methodology
  • How to create an epic coaching experience
  • ​How to price your offer without the mind drama 

Tools & Templates Include:

Along with the training, we provide you with the Simple Offer Protocol, the process for designing your Unique Methodology, and the Value-based Pricing Sheet that will help you shortcut your offer creation process even more. 

Translating Your Expertise To Your Audience In A Way That Resonates

Successful coaches don’t get results from creating more content, finding the “secret” winning platform, or hacking the algorithm. Successful coaches understand the principles of messaging and marketing and understand how to convey the value of their offering in a clear and compelling way. 

What You'll Discover:

  • Your Marketing Message
  • ​The Value Communications Model 
  • Marketing, messaging, and content: the key differences
  • The levels of commitment and how to command your audience to action 
  • ​The psychology behind marketing and how to use that to elevate your communication style
  • ​The core stages of awareness so you can speak to various layers of your dream client 

Tools & Templates Include:

Along with the training, we provide you with a Visibility Checklist, a step-by-step blueprint for Launching, Growing & Monetizing Your FB Group to attract high-ticket clients, and a Free Lead Magnet Checklist

Creating Content That Attracts Premium Clients Consistently

You’ll learn how to become a captivating communicator through your content. There’s a difference between someone who just “creates content” and someone who communicates effectively online. Learn how to influence your audience with a simple content strategy that’s simple, powerful, and profitable.

What You'll Discover:

  • The 5 types of content to accelerate know, like + trust
  • ​Your unique content pillars
  • How to demonstrate authority in your content (without being braggy)
  • The anatomy of a high-converting social media post so you can rinse & repeat
  • ​Creating demand for your offer every time you share content (no DMs, no Spamming)

Tools & Templates Include:

Along with the training, we provide you with High-Value Promotional Post Templates & Swipe Files, the Content Ninja Repurpose System, Authority-Builder Content Formulas and TONS MORE of swipe files and examples of high-converting content so you never run out of ideas for your content cash machine.

Selling With Authenticity To Create Consistent Revenue

This is where you have the biggest opportunity to accelerate your revenue as a coach because you have people in your audience RIGHT NOW who are waiting for you! The good news for you, you learn how to create content that does most of the selling for you (yay!). You’ll learn how to sell with service and have non-spammy sales conversations that will have your peeps saying “HELL YES!” all day long. 

What You'll Discover:

  • The “Value-Based” Selling Framework
  • ​How to move from DMs to the phone
  • The step-by-step framework for empowering sales conversations
  • How to overcome objections without being pushy

Tools & Templates Include:

Along with the training, we provide you with a Value-Based Sales Script so you can feel confident in building your sales skills, an Objection Crusher Reference so you know how to overcome objections when they come.

PLUS! You'll Unlock Exclusive Access To These 6-Figure Bonuses:


Authority Accelerator: 
30-Day Content Transformation Toolkit

($497 VALUE)

Transform from a content struggler to a confident, in-demand expert who has clients lining up to work with you. Get ready to unlock content that will have your audience saying, "Where have you been all my life?"This isn't just a month's worth of prompts – it's your secret weapon for becoming the irresistible voice in your niche.
What you'll get:
  • 30 laser-focused content prompts that position you as the go-to expert
  • Swipe files that turn your expertise into scroll-stopping posts
  • ​A framework for creating content that converts followers into high-paying clients
Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to a flood of inspired ideas that will skyrocket your conversions, showcase your unique brilliance, and magnetize your ideal clients.


Unblock To Breakthrough:
The CQ Mindset Mastery Protocol

($297 VALUE)

Unlock your full potential with our signature mindset transformation system. This isn't just positive thinking—it's a deep dive into rewiring your brain for success.
What you'll discover:
  • Powerful techniques to identify and dissolve hidden mental barriers
  • Strategies to align your subconscious with your ambitious goals
  • Practical exercises to build unshakeable confidence as a coach
  • ​Tools to overcome imposter syndrome and own your expertise
Transform from self-doubt to self-assured, and step into the version of yourself that attracts success effortlessly.


Millionaire Mindset Code:
Unlocking Your Abundance Blueprint

($197 VALUE)

Reprogram your relationship with money and success. This transformative bonus is your key to thinking, feeling, and acting like the abundant, successful coach you're meant to be.
What you'll gain:
  • Insights into the wealth mindset of top-earning coaches
  • Exercises to release limiting beliefs about money and success
  • ​Strategies to cultivate an abundance mentality that attracts opportunities
  • ​Techniques to align your energy with your financial goals
Shift from scarcity to abundance, and watch as your business—and bank account—flourish.

Ready to enroll? 


A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to discover your unique niche, create content that converts, and get coaching clients consistently; regardless of your audience size or your years of experience.



To sum it up, here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today: 

  • The Category Queen Comprehensive Curriculum ($3,997)
  • ​Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately
  • The 6-Figure Template Vault ($497)
  • ​Bonus: Authority Accelerator ($497)
  • ​Bonus: Millionaire Mindset Code ($297)
  • ​Bonus: Unblock To Breakthrough ($197)


Instant access to The Category Queen Framework with easy to follow, on-demand training. 
Worth $3997

The Category Queen Action Guide & Roadmap to put your expertise into action right away. 
Worth $297

Lifetime Access To Course & All Updates. 
Worth $997

The Plug-n-Play Toolkit for swipe files and formulas for high-converting content. Worth $497

BONUS 1: Authority Accelerator, Transform from a content struggler to a confident, in-demand expert who has clients lining up to work with you. Worth $497

BONUS 2: Unblock To Breakthrough, Unlock your full potential with our signature mindset transformation system. Worth $197

BONUS 3: Millionaire Mindset Code, Reprogram your relationship with money and success. 
Worth $297

Total Value: $6,779


Instant access to The Category Queen Framework with easy to follow, on-demand training.
Worth $3997

The Category Queen Action Guide & Roadmap to put your expertise into action right away.
Worth $297

Lifetime Access To Course & All Updates.
Worth $997

The Plug-n-Play Toolkit for swipe files and formulas for high-converting content. Worth $497

BONUS 1: Authority Accelerator, Transform from a content struggler to a confident, in-demand expert who has clients lining up to work with you. 
Worth $497

BONUS 2: Unblock To Breakthrough, Unlock your full potential with our signature mindset transformation system. Worth $197

BONUS 3: ​Millionaire Mindset Code, Reprogram your relationship with money and success. 
Worth $297

BONUS 4: ​Kinsey will personally review your social media accounts for a comprehensive content and growth audit. Worth $2,997

Total Value: $9,776

What Makes The Category Queen School Different?

Created by a Former Corporate Hustler Who Puts Family First 

I know what it's like to build a business alongside a full-time corporate career and family life. This program is designed for busy women who want to move at their own pace but also want the shortest path to clients (without the headache of tech, funnels, or complicated marketing strategies).

Timeless Principles + Just-in-Time Strategies = Winning Strategy

Band-aid approaches to marketing and selling will only get you so far. Our framework for getting clients online is bulletproof and will stand the test of time -- BUT we also provide up-to-date info on social media strategies. We give you both the timeless fundamentals and the current best practices.

Business Is Meant To Be Joyful, Not Hustle-y 

As a woman, you should be leveraging your femininity to your advantage, not suppressing it with the masculine-heavy approach to online business. We teach you how to fall in love with your business by finding joy in the creation process - of your brand, your content, and your client relationships.

Elevate Your Self-Concept, Elevate Your Business

You don't just learn how to get clients online consistently; you learn how to elevate your self-concept so you can show up in the world as the woman you're meant to be. To achieve things you've never achieved before, you need to become a version of yourself you haven't experienced yet. Our program helps you step into that powerful new identity, transforming both your business and your life.

High-Converting Content Templates - Fast Cash, No Delays

We provide bite-sized, digestible plug-n-play resources that allow you to earn while you learn. Don't delay getting clients. Start creating results immediately by using our collection of high-converting content templates that accelerate your certainty, visibility, and profitability.

Still not sure? 
Here's more proof. 

Every day, our clients are using this method to attract and enroll clients...

Don’t get overlooked for people much less qualified than you just because they’re better at marketing. 



$ 4,800



$ 1,800 x 3

"I’m able to feel confident, I’ve attracted dozens of new clients, doubled my engagement on posts and made 3 sales (AFTER raising my price!!)."

Before joining, I was having a hard time finding clients who could afford my program. I also knew that my offer was worth more than I was charging, but I was hesitant about raising the price of my program. I didn’t feel very confident in my skills as a writer, and I wasn’t really sure what I should be focusing on when it came to posting on social media.

Kinsey’s hands-on content creation approach has guided me toward choosing language that feels natural, relatable, and bold all at once. Now, I’m able to feel confident, I’ve attracted dozens of new clients, doubled my engagement on posts and made 3 sales (AFTER raising my price!!).

The coaches, community, and lessons in the portal are incredible! I’ve had lots of coaches, but none of them have impacted me and my business as profoundly as Kinsey. Kinsey has such an incredible way of demystifying the process of starting and scaling a business... Run don’t walk!

- Daria

"When I started with this program, I was a full time high-powered senior leader in a corporation where I was sacrificing myself as a mother in order to meet the bottom line of someone else’s agenda."

Using the methodology in this program and gaining the support of the coaches throughout the journey, I was able to replace my 6-figure income in less than ONE year and finally release myself of the golden handcuffs.

But more than that; I’ve been able to prove to myself what is possible, what I can do, and how much I can change the lives of others.

This is my life’s work, and it wouldn’t have been possible without this amazing team and community who has supported me and cheered me on through this journey.

- Chelsea

Are you a good fit for The Category Queen School? 

Who This Program Should Be Mandatory For:

  • Female entrepreneurs that don't know how to communicate their expertise online in a way that's compelling to their audience.
  • ​Someone who isn't consistently booking discovery calls or doesn't understand the full process that moves a cold lead to a hot buyer.  
  • ​A female coach, consultant or service provider that lacks the confidence to show up online and feels paralyzed by the idea. 
  • ​Anyone who is trying to gain traction online. 

Who This Program Is PERFECT For:

  • Female entrepreneurs who desire to discover their unique brilliance so they can be authentic and genuine online and work with clients that align with their values. 
  • ​Coaches that want a marketing message that matches a premium version of their ideal client. 
  • ​Women who want to get clients simply without all the tech overwhelm
  • ​People who are ready to finally hit their revenue goals after spending so much time worrying about things that don't matter.

Who This Program Is NOT For:

  • Women who don't like making money or just want their business to be a hobby. 
  • ​Coaches and consultants who want accelerated results but aren't willing to experience discomfort. 
  • ​Anyone who doesn't want to have more fun in their business and prefers to stay stuck trying to "figure it out" on their own. 

"After Kinsey helped me with my copy for a FB/IG post, I was able to book my first paid client!"

I am glad I came into program at the beginning of my business because I didn’t have the tools for social media marketing and I didn’t know where to start. I had an offer, but didn’t know how to convey it on social media in a way that would bring me clients.

After Kinsey helped me with my copy for a FB/IG post, I was able to book my first paid client!

10K is a great value with tools for all types of coaches at various levels of their business. I like the step by step approach in the program is very comprehensive with so many opportunities for personal questions and feedback.

Both Jenny and Kinsey have reminded me the power of my mindset in regard to my business, but also offer action steps when I am feeling stuck.


Kinsey has taught me to harness the power of my unique essence to show up authentically online... 

What I've experienced during our time together is an internal transformation unlike any other & in my opinion, is more valuable than the 5k months & fully book coaching biz that most coaches promise & brag about (which Kinsey absolutely delivers on btw). 
Kinsey has taught me to harness the power of my unique essence to show up authentically online and embody the unique characteristics that only I possess to help the people I was born to help through the work I do. 
Before working with Kinsey, my voice felt so small - I still didn't know who I was in this world. I stood in disbelief that I had something worthwhile to share, but Kinsey helped me dig deep inside to find my unique brilliance & confidently share it with the world. 
Kinsey is more than just a business coach - she 's an amazing human being and friend who helped me unleash my inner magic and I'm so grateful for her. 


30K IN 30 DAYS

Need we say more?!

Our bonus training uses a secret method to take 30 DAYS… to get you to 30k… it’s that simple (and PROVEN!).

($14,997 Value)

Do not spend one more day not knowing how to transform your expertise into a life-giving income with a repeatable, simple framework that attracts and enrolls clients.


Here's what's possible for you, too. 

We LOVE To Brag About Our Students…

Joani R - Life Coach

Joani helps women create online businesses through discovering their purpose. Before working with Kinsey, she was overwhelmed and confused about how to build an online presence so that she could get more clients through social media. Instead of giving her a 'workload' of things to do, we offered her a super clear step-by-step simple strategy that allowed her to use social media to grow her business, but still spend more time with her clients. 

Holly T - OBM

Holly had been through a lot of bad coaching experiences, but she was instantly drawn to Kinsey and her coaching style. She had an idea for a program she wanted to launch for over a year, and through working with Kinsey, she was felt like she had the support and the hands-on guidance to create, build and launch her program that would allow her to scale her business without more of her 1:1 time.

Marissa S - Running Coach

Marissa had a sense that she wanted to help people through her unique skillset but didn't think it was possible. She had a major breakthrough when she realized she could help women train marathons. She launched her first program 2 months after working with Kinsey and it was a huge success. Then COVID hit and because of Kinsey's strategy, she was able to quickly pivot and re-launch a new version of her program that was even more successful!

Nora L. - Business Coach

Nora helps women become 'Proud Corporate Dropouts'. She walked away from corporate herself and was looking for a way to solidify her offer, market her expertise, and launch effectively. She consistently sells her $4K offer without paid advertising. 

Lety A. - Health Coach

Lety had a successful network marketing company but was feeling called to do more. She didn't want to do private coaching so we designed a high-ticket group coaching program. She has since launched her program 3 times and has sold out her program every time. She had her first $10K day and is now building out her team to help her scale to 7-figures.

Tracy H - Health Coach

Tracy was working in the traditional clinic with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. She wanted out of the hustle & grind and to be able to find a way to build her own business. We have been able to take her expertise and build a marketing plan that gets her noticed by premium buyers. She now has confidence in her offer, her messaging, and her unique framework. 

You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers

(check out our FAQs)

How long is the program?

The 10K Content System is designed to get you everything you need in 60 days or less. Some clients come in and get results right away. Others desire to have a little more time, but you have access to coaching and community for 8 weeks and access to the 10K training vault for 12 months. This allows us to grow alongside of you without the urgency or scarcity of rushing through the experience. 

What if I'm just starting out?

This program is designed to meet the needs of ALL seasons of coaches. We find that most coaches waste their time chasing the latest tactics which is not sustainable and creates burn out. We teach you and coach you through the core principles of mindset, marketing and selling so that you can successfully grow your personal brand, position yourself as a category-of-one, build a loyal following, and sell through your content (without feeling salesy).

We have students that come in and start with NO OFFER to students that are already crushing it but need to increase their conversions and revenue.

You will be able to bypass a lot of heartache and frustration by shortcutting a lot of the trial and error and learning from experts that have already been where you are.

Remember, we all started from zero.

Will this work for me?

We carefully curated this program to give you all the coaching, content, community and plug-n-play tools you could possibly need to build a successful online coaching program. Whether you are NEW to the business or a coaching pro, there are things for you to learn here to elevate your marketing and selling in the overly saturated market.

Your success is entirely based on your commitment to the process and the willingness to do the work. Get coaching. Use the tools. Show up consistently and you WILL get results.

MANY students report having breakthroughs and getting results in just watching the recorded calls.

How quickly can I expect results?

Most clients who do the work of showing up consistently, watch the coaching, and apply the principles taught in the program see a shift within 14 days in their business.

In this program you learn how to consistently build an audience full of high-end clients so that you are never “out of leads.” You learn how to market to your current audience while warming up and growing a new audience.

Some newer clients had results in their FIRST WEEK of joining.

If you are “I’ll work to earn or save” the money, I want to encourage you to treat this as college or education. If you wish to enter the marketplace with maximum skill, it helps to pay for the education and tools to guarantee your results. If you aren’t making money in your business- it is because you are missing the tools inside this program.

What if I can’t make the live calls

All live coaching calls and trainings will be recorded and placed in your member portal. Some of our most successful students are people who NEVER receive live coaching for themselves but implemented the things they learned from listening to someone else get coached.

In fact, you learn MORE by watching others get coached.

But if you are someone who wants to maximize your investment, I want to encourage you to treat this program as if it were a million bucks (because technically, if you master what we teach you inside of 10K, you’ll be able to make a 7-figure salary for life).. And commit to showing up however you can.

If you want to enter the marketplace with confidence in your marketing and selling, this will help you get there. If you aren’t making money in your business, it’s because you are missing the education and tools inside of this program. 

Can I join 10K Content Collective if I’m not a coach? 

The answer is YES. You won’t get kicked out for being a photographer, a web designer, or a hair stylist.

No one is teaching content marketing in the industry like I teach it. And if you’re trying to leverage social media to grow your business, then you can be in ANY industry to get a massive ROI from what you’ll learn in 10K. Also, the Monthly Content Collectives alone are worth thousands of dollars, and are beneficial to any business owner that has a hard time gaining attention of their ideal clients online and converting their audience into customers or clients.

What if I am in a program or a course already (or currently 
working with another coach)?

This program is your very specific teacher for marketing your coaching programs. It can be used WITH anything else you are currently doing. The question you have to ask yourself is simply… ”Do I want to make money NOW?” 

This program will help you with that.

Is there a refund policy?

No. We do not want you to come into the program if there's an intention to "check it out", play it small, and dip your toe in. This would be a disservice to your success. When you go ALL IN on your success, you learn how to extract an ROI in all experiences, not just a mentorship program. Show up, get coached, do the work and you won't even recognize yourself in four months. 

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